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Leverage REST APIs to interact directly with Tableland validator nodes at a gateway.


There are no required prerequisites, but it may be helpful to become familiar with HTTPie and cURL since the examples provided use these. Also, jq is an optional tool to help pipe the output from the API calls to a more human readable, "pretty" format (e.g., curl <url> | jq).

Base URLs

Be sure to use the correct gateway for the corresponding network environment:

  • Mainnets:
  • Testnets:
  • Local: http://localhost:8080/api/v1

At the protocol level, the Tableland network is separated such that nodes process and respond to SQL queries relative to each environment. If you were to use the testnets gateway on a mainnet chain / contract, this would lead to issues. The testnets gateway only queries tables that exist on testnet chains, whereas the gateway only queries tables that exist on mainnet chains.


The following endpoints are available at the base gateway URLs above:


  • transactionHash ⇒ Resultant onchain transaction hash corresponding to a table’s creation or a write query.
  • tableId ⇒ The unique identifier assigned to the created table upon the registry contract minting the table as an ERC721 token.
  • chainId ⇒ Chain on which the table is created or mutations were sent to, which include the following:
    • ethereum => 1
    • optimism => 10
    • arbitrum one => 42161
    • arbitrum nova => 42170
    • base => 8453
    • polygon => 137
    • filecoin => 314
    • ethereum sepolia => 11155111
    • optimism sepolia => 11155420
    • arbitrum sepolia => 421614
    • base sepolia => 84532
    • polygon amoy => 80002
    • filecoin calibration => 314159
    • local tableland => 31337