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Library methods

Review the various helpers that can be used in a JavaScript environment.

Local Tableland can be used as a standalone node process and also offers a library, which is especially useful when running tests. The library exposes a number of methods that can be used to interact with the Local Tableland instance, including helpers that facilitate common patterns in the testing process. The following describes what methods are exported from the @tableland/local package.


First, make sure you've installed the package:

npm install --save-dev @tableland/local@latest

And then import all of the exports from the library:

import {
} from "@tableland/local";

Local Tableland

Instantiating LocalTableland will start the Tableland network—a Hardhat node, plus a Tableland validator node. This includes deploying a Tableland Registry contract on the Hardhat network where the validator subsequently watches for changes.

The LocalTableland constructor accepts a single argument, an object with the following properties (all optional):

  • validator: Instance of a Tableland validator. If docker flag is set, this must be the full repository.
  • validatorDir: Path to the Tableland validator directory.
  • registry: Instance of a Tableland registry.
  • registryDir: Path to the Tableland registry contract repository.
  • docker: Use Docker to run the Validator.
  • verbose: Output verbose logs to stdout.
  • silent: Silence all output to stdout.
  • registryPort: Use a custom registry hardhat port, e.g., is the default with port 8545, but.
  • forkUrl: If forking a chain, the provider URL of the testnet or mainnet chain, such as an Alchemy or Infura URL.
  • forkBlockNumber: If forking a chain, the block number to fork from, which recreates the chain state up to that block.
  • forkChainId: If forking a chain, the chain ID of the chain.

Most uses cases only use the verbose or silent options, which control logging behavior during tests.

const lt = new LocalTableland({ silent: false });

In more complex cases, the registry and validator options allow you to point to custom instances. A monorepo setup, for example, might want separately test things in parallel, so the registry and validator need to be unique to each environment—check out the tableland-js monorepo for how this might look.

There's also a feature for forking an existing testnet or mainnet chain, which will allow you to interact with the chain and table state in a sandboxed local environment. See the forking chain state documentation for more information.


The start method starts the Tableland network with the Hardhat node and the Tableland validator node. This should be ran before any tests are executed.

await lt.start();

Is ready

The isReady method returns a promise that resolves when the Tableland network is ready to be used. You can use this to check if the network is ready before running tests.

await lt.isReady();


The shutdown method stops the Tableland network. This should be ran after all tests have been executed to kill all running processes.

await lt.shutdown();


The restartValidator method restarts the Tableland validator node. You might want to reset the state of the network between tests, such as ensuring existing tables are wiped from the validator's database so that you can more deterministically test, for example, the creation of new tables in separate tests.

await lt.restartValidator();

This only restarts the validator, but you'd have to handle the Hardhat node separately, such as reverting state with evm_snapshot and evm_revert calls.

Get accounts

The getAccounts method returns a list of accounts that are available on the Tableland network. This returns all accounts at the Hardhat endpoint as an ethersjs Wallet instance. Optionally, you can pass an instance of LocalTableland as well.

const accounts = await getAccounts();
const signer = accounts[1];
// 0x70997970C51812dc3A010C7d01b50e0d17dc79C8

Note the second account is used above. The first account is used during the registry contract's deployment process, so it's best start with a fresh account.

Get database

The getDatabase method returns a Database instance from the @tableland/sdk package. Just as the normal Database instantiation requires you to pass a signer, this method does the same. It also automatically sets up a validator base URL pointing to the Local Tableland network, and it defaults to auto-waiting for transactions to finalize.

const db = getDatabase(signer);

Get registry

The getRegistry method returns a Registry instance from the @tableland/sdk package. Similarly, you pass a signer upon instantiation. This lets you interact with the registry contract that's been deployed to Hardhat.

const registry = getRegistry(signer);

Get registry port

The getRegistryPort method returns the port that the registry contract is deployed to. By default, this is always port 8545, but you can override this by passing a custom port to the LocalTableland constructor. Thus, this helper is useful in case you need to dynamically check which port is being used and don't want to hardcode it.

const port = getRegistryPort();
// 8545

Optionally, you can pass an instance of LocalTableland.

Get validator

The getValidator method returns a Validator instance from the @tableland/sdk package. This lets you directly call validator APIs at the Local Tableland validator node, which defaults to the endpoint http://localhost:8080.

const validator = getValidator();

If you do choose to point to a custom validator setup during LocalTableland instantiation, it's possible you might have an endpoint with a different port; you can, optionally, pass this endpoint to the getValidator method.

Next steps

These methods all make it easy to set up your Tableland environment for testing purposes. It'd be a good idea to head over to the testing docs for more information on how to use them with libraries like mocha!