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Use the Tableland SDK in your JavaScript / TypeScript projects, with full Cloudflare D1 client compatibility.

The Tableland SDK provides a minimal client that implements the Cloudflare D1 Database interface on top of the Tableland network. It can be used as a drop-in replacement to work with many community-created D1 tools and libraries. It also comes with a set of helper utilities for working with Tableland.


The @tableland/sdk comes with a few APIs: "primary" Cloudflare D1 client compatible API for Database connections, and two additional "secondary" APIs (Validator and Registry) that are unique to Tableland operations. Generally, users will leverage the primary database API for typical SQL operations, and the secondary APIs are useful when needing to interact directly with a Tableland Validator node or directly calling Tableland’s smart contracts (onchain access control, direct contract calls, etc.). Both ESM and CommonJS are supported.


If you're looking for the SDK API reference, you can check it out here.

There's also a Go SDK available here. It's still in beta, but it's a great way to get started with Tableland if you're a Go developer.

Chain configuration

Note the chain naming convention used by the Database connection roughly matches that of ethersjs. To dictate which chain your app should connect to, you can leverage a Signer where the signer will provide information corresponding to a particular chain. This includes any of the following chains, which have their defined chain name shown as well:

  • ethereum => mainnet
  • optimism => optimism
  • arbitrum one => arbitrum
  • arbitrum nova => arbitrum-nova
  • base => base
  • polygon => polygon
  • filecoin => filecoin
  • ethereum sepolia => sepolia
  • optimism sepolia => optimism-sepolia
  • arbitrum sepolia => arbitrum-sepolia
  • base sepolia => base-sepolia
  • polygon amoy => polygon-amoy
  • filecoin calibration => filecoin-calibration
  • local tableland => local-tableland

In other words, the network name is only specified while instantiating a signer that then connects to the Database. It is not something that needs to explicitly be passed to the Database API but is inferred from the passed Signer.

Signing transactions

The default behavior for database connections prompt a wallet to connect via the browser. If no additional logic is implemented, the connection will leverage whatever the browser connects to. In other words, you must restrict which chains the Database can connect through by creating a signer, or the app will leverage whatever the browser wallet has specified as the chain.

Third party libraries, like ethersjs and wagmi, are useful to create a signer and restrict which chains the app is using. These libraries may also be useful if passing an account private key stored locally in a .env file from a Node app.

See the Signers page for more details.

Using TypeScript

The Tableland SDK supports both JavaScript and TypeScript. If you're using TypeScript, note that the Database API and all related classes and modules are written in TypeScript and provide a generic interface to fully typed queries and responses (if you want). Currently, if you do not provide types, it will default to unknown. This is probably not what you want, so passing in any is fine, but you can do a whole lot more if you provide a concrete type.

Types can be provided on the Database constructor, on the Statement constructor (prepare), or callers can override them on any of the query/execution APIs directly (i.e., run, all, first, or raw).

For example, start by defining the type associated with the table’s schema and use this type in the database constructor.

Web frameworks

If you're building a frontend application, check out the React, Next.js, or wagmi for a full example of how to use the SDK there. There are also starter template repos to get you up and running even more quickly.