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Registry API

Use the Registry API for directly calling the Tableland registry smart contract, such as setting access controllers.

The Database API provides a surface area that combines the Validator and Registry functionality. However, the Registry class allows developers to directly interact with the Tableland registry contract, which exposes a few additional features that aren't part of the Database class.


If you haven't already, make sure the SDK is installed in your project:

npm install @tableland/sdk


The Registry class requires a signer param to connect to and interact with a base chain. There are various ways to do this, but we'll show a simple example using a Wallet from ethersjs, along with Local Tableland / Hardhat as the chain.

There are a couple ways to instantiate the Registry. You can pass an ethers signer to the constructor:

import { Registry } from "@tableland/sdk";
import { Wallet, getDefaultProvider } from "ethers";

const privateKey =
const wallet = new Wallet(privateKey);
const provider = getDefaultProvider("");
const signer = wallet.connect(provider);

// Pass a signer to the constructor
const registry = new Registry({ signer });

Or, pass a signer to the forSigner method:

const registry = await Registry.forSigner(signer);


Gets the list of table IDs of the requested owner. It takes a single owner parameter, which is the address of the owner to query—or if none provided, it'll default to the connected signer's address.

const list = await registry.listTables();
// Or, pass an address as a param, like "0x70997970C51812dc3A010C7d01b50e0d17dc79C8"

This will log an array of table IDs and its chain ID:

[{ tableId: "2", chainId: 31337 }];


Sets the controller for a table, where the controller can be an EOA or contract address. The caller must be the table's owner, and the parameters include an object with:

  • tableName: The name of the table to transfer in the format {name}_{chainId}_{tableId}.
  • controller: The address of the controller (EOA or contract).
const tx = await registry.setController({
tableName: "my_table_31337_2",
controller: "0xdD2FD4581271e230360230F9337D5c0430Bf44C0",
const rec = await tx.wait();
const { transactionHash } = rec;
console.log(transactionHash); // 0x90524fa82043d645bd0a843f627aeef8b013307e39ba1d1474a12c40cb381ba3

The full return an object includes all of the "typical" ethersjs transaction details, including the hash and input parameters.


Get the table's controller by providing an object with chainId and tableId fields, returning the address of the controller. Note that tableId must be converted to a string.

const controller = await registry.getController({
chainId: 31337,
tableId: "2",
console.log(controller); // 0xdD2FD4581271e230360230F9337D5c0430Bf44C0


Locks the controller for a table forever, where the controller can be an EOA or contract address. The caller must be the table's owner, and the parameters include an object with:

  • chainId: The chain ID to lock the controller on.
  • tableId: The table ID to lock the controller on.
const tx = await registry.lockController({
chainId: 31337,
tableId: "2",
const rec = await tx.wait();
const { transactionHash } = rec;
console.log(transactionHash); // 0x90524fa82043d645bd0a843f627aeef8b013307e39ba1d1474a12c40cb381ba3

The full return an object includes all of the "typical" ethersjs transaction details.


Safely transfers the ownership of a given table ID to another address. The caller must be the table's owner or an approved operator (i.e., this acts like any NFT transfer would). The parameters include an object with:

  • tableName: The name of the table to transfer in the format {name}_{chainId}_{tableId}.
  • to: The address to transfer the table to.
const tx = await registry.safeTransferFrom({
tableName: "my_table_31337_2",
to: "0xdD2FD4581271e230360230F9337D5c0430Bf44C0",
const rec = await tx.wait();
const { transactionHash } = rec;
console.log(transactionHash); // 0xa2c551c3b3a4b2a81eb33c2e2b7a2614d771196c7dc5f193b20250b34b6b451b

The full return an object includes all of the "typical" ethersjs transaction details.


Create a table directly with the registry smart contract. The parameters include an object with:

  • statement: The SQL statement to create the table.
  • chainId: The chain ID to create the table on.
const tx = await registry.create({
statement: "CREATE TABLE my_table (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, name TEXT)",
chainId: 31337,
const rec = await tx.wait();
const { transactionHash } = rec;
console.log(transactionHash); // 0x322fcd14d7290dbe25e9eac0c371905d9b7529eb9e92a9be514f66ce577b22e5

The full return an object includes all of the "typical" ethersjs transaction details.


Runs a mutating SQL statement for the caller where the caller must be authorized to mutate table data. The parameters include an object with:

  • statement: The SQL statement to create the table.
  • chainId: The chain ID to create the table on.
  • tableId: The table ID to mutate. Note that this must be a string.
const tx = await registry.mutate({
statement: "insert into test_31337_32 values (1)",
chainId: 31337,
tableId: "27",
const rec = await tx.wait();
const { transactionHash } = rec;
console.log(transactionHash); // 0x1df063ebae1792170042d6d06d5bd5dd6a638a89d75db8e445a8c3d75aac5637

The full return an object includes all of the "typical" ethersjs transaction details.