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Run a mutating SQL statement against a remote table.

tableland write <statement>

The write command allows for vanilla SQL INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE statements.

<statement>stringThe mutating SQL query.

One key aspect to keep in mind when working with tables is that you must specify the table name that you get back from the create command. The global flags for --privateKey, --chain, and --providerUrl should also be included unless a config file has been created.


Insert some values into a table, which will return other meaningful information like the block and transaction hash.

tableland write "INSERT INTO cli_demo_table_31337_2 VALUES (1, 'Bobby Tables');"


"meta": {
"duration": 95.6428337097168,
"txn": {
"tableIds": ["2"],
"transactionHash": "0x8e8b3150fcf3e18bca92d0db79d2a9eed49a7cbebbb2a938aecb1c2f90c275e3",
"blockNumber": 7362,
"chainId": 31337,
"tableId": "2",
"name": "_31337_2",
"prefix": ""
"success": true,
"results": [],
"link": ""

Using ENS


ENS support is very experimental; long term support is not guaranteed!

You must specify the enableEnsExperiment flag, either in your .tablelandrc file or your flags. You must also specify an ensProviderUrl, which should use a provider for an ENS compatible testnet or mainnet.

If an ENS text record has a record corresponding to a table, you can insert into it by wrapping the namespace in brackets and treating it as the table's name.

tableland write "insert into [] (id, message) values (1, 'Some message');"

See the namespace command for more details on how to add tables to ENS.

Using a table alias

If you create a table with a provided JSON file passed to the --aliases flag, a full table name ({prefix}_{chainId}_{tableId}) is not needed. For example, if you have a file tableland.aliases.json with the following:

"example": "example_31337_2"

You can run the write command with the table alias.

tableland write "INSERT INTO example VALUES (1, 'Bobby Tables');"