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Tableland deployments library

Use the Tableland Deployments library to set interfaces the Tableland registry contract.

To make it easier to interact with the Tableland registry, the TablelandDeployments library will dynamically provide the implementation for the registry contract. It infers the chainid from the contract call and return the correct contract for the respective network.


First, install @tableland/evm as a dependency:

npm install --save-dev @tableland/evm

Then in your smart contract, import the TablelandDeployments library:

import {SQLHelpers} from "@tableland/evm/contracts/utils/TablelandDeployments.sol";

Note the examples use address(this) for table operations. These assume the table can own an ERC721 token.

get the registry

The get() method returns the implementation for the TablelandTables registry contract:

function get() internal view returns (TablelandTables);

There are internal constants stored in the library, such as:

address internal constant MAINNET = 0x012969f7e3439a9B04025b5a049EB9BAD82A8C12;
address internal constant POLYGON = 0x5c4e6A9e5C1e1BF445A062006faF19EA6c49aFeA;
address internal constant FILECOIN = 0x59EF8Bf2d6c102B4c42AEf9189e1a9F0ABfD652d;
address internal constant SEPOLIA = 0xc50C62498448ACc8dBdE43DA77f8D5D2E2c7597D;
// etc...

So, when you call TablelandDeployments.get(), it will return the correct TablelandTables implementation for the respective network after going through logic that checks the chainid:

if (block.chainid == 1) {
return TablelandTables(MAINNET);
} else if (block.chainid == 314) {
return TablelandTables(FILECOIN);
// etc...


All of the available registry methods (creating, mutating, controllers, transfers) can be chained to get(), but a few examples are provided below.

create a table

A simple example of creating a table—the TablelandDeployments.get() chains with the create method from the registry contract:

uint256 private _tableId; // Unique table ID
string private constant _TABLE_PREFIX = "my_table"; // Custom table prefix

function createTable() external {
_tableId = TablelandDeployments.get().create(
address(this), // Table owner, i.e., this contract
"id integer primary key,"
"address text,"
"val text",

mutate data in a table

A simple example of mutating data a table—the TablelandDeployments.get() chains with the mutate method from the registry contract:

uint256 private _tableId; // Unique table ID
string private constant _TABLE_PREFIX = "my_table"; // Custom table prefix

function insertIntoTable() external {
string memory val = "test value";
address(this), // Table owner, i.e., this contract
SQLHelpers.quote(val) // Wrap strings in single quotes with the `quote` method

Set a table controller

A simple example of mutating data a table—the TablelandDeployments.get() chains with the mutate method from the registry contract. Note this method should have guard logic to ensure the caller is the table owner, like an onlyOwner modifier:

uint256 private _tableId; // Unique table ID
string private constant _TABLE_PREFIX = "my_table"; // Custom table prefix

function updateController() external {
address(this), // Table owner
_tableId, // Table ID
"0x70997970C51812dc3A010C7d01b50e0d17dc79C8" // New owner

Transfer a table

The safeTransferFrom method will transfer a table from the owner to a new address. The caller must own the table or be an approved operator—this functions like an NFT transfer would.

uint256 private _tableId; // Unique table ID
string private constant _TABLE_PREFIX = "my_table"; // Custom table prefix

function transferTable(uint256 tableId) external {
address(this), // Table owner
msg.sender, // New owner
_tableId // Table ID

getBaseURI for the gateway

The getBaseURI() method returns the correct gateway base URI for the Tableland validator:

function getBaseURI() internal view returns (string memory);

Recall there are three gateway variants:

  • http://localhost:8080/api/v1/

Similar to the get() method, the chainid is inferred and returns the correct gateway string. Here's a sample of the logic, for reference:

if (block.chainid == 1) {
return "";
} else if (block.chainid == 11155111) {
return "";
} else if (block.chainid == 31337) {
return "http://localhost:8080/api/v1/";
// etc...


You can use the getBaseURI() method to construct the gateway URI for your table—which is helpful if you're ever setting the base URI during contract deployment or method calls:

function baseURI() external view returns (string memory) {
return TablelandDeployments.get().getBaseURI();